Planning Considerations
Planning Considerations
The literature and real-world experiences that may be found in this repository identify the common issues that you need to consider at the outset of the planning process. The primary considerations are:
The statutory and regulatory environment. Identify and resolve these issues first, because it takes time to change laws and regulations. Follow this link for sample legislation. Make sure you have the cooperation of the existing LECs, because they can stop your project in its tracks.
Leadership. A regionalization initiative is hard, but worthwhile, work. Therefore, it needs good leaders who are willing to work.
Stakeholder education, communication, and information sharing. Stakeholders who feel left out or who don’t have enough information may become roadblocks.
Stakeholder commitment to the regionalization initiative. The parties must be truly committed to the project and willing to stay the course throughout any ups, downs and unexpected turns of event. If that commitment is not there, the entire project may unravel.
Identify capital and operational costs and cost savings. Identifying capital and operational costs as early in the process as possible facilitates planning and makes it less likely that a major, unexpected expense will be encountered. Identifying the savings the parties will achieve helps them to understand that it is in the best interests of their citizens for them to stay with the initiative.
Cost allocation. It needs to be fair and consider the differing circumstances of the PSAPs/counties involved.
Capital funding and sustainable funding. Funding for the project should be secured as soon as possible so that the project doesn’t stall. If you are a state, consider establishing a grant program to incentivize the creation of regional ESInets. Follow this link for examples of grant programs.
Governance. The regional system requires oversight. Intergovernmental Agreements are the typical vehicles for establishing governance and are essential to the effective operation of a regional (or consolidated) 911 system. Samples may be found here.
Partnerships. Seek to partner with people and entities that can help you in areas where you lack expertise.